When enabled for a session as referred to in Sessions will enable an extra button on the session inside the companion app. Upon clicking this button staff members will be presented to the image to the below:

Guests as well as Staff members will be able to ask questions here. Before a question is visible to others it needs to be approved by either a staff member or the speaker for the session if the email has been setup as mentioned in Speakers. Long pressing on any question will open a context menu which allows authorized users to modify the status of any question.

See the overview below for an explanation about each status.

PENDINGPending question are only visible to the person who asked the question as well as staff members and the speaker if they have been given authorization as stated before.
APPROVEDApproved question are visible to all users who are viewing the Q&A, these can be upvoted by pressing the thumbs up icon to move them up in the ranking.
REJECTEDRejected questions are only visible to the person who asked the question as well as staff members and the speaker if they have been given authorization as stated before. Rejected questions are highlighted in red and will be moved to the bottom of the list to make it less cluttered.
ANSWEREDAnswered  questions are visible to all and highlighted in green. If an answer has been supplied while marking the question this will also been shown below in a lighter shade of green.