Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 01-01-2024

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy applies to the services offered by Event Vault ("we," "us," or "our"), encompassing our mobile application, Event Vault ("App"), our website, ("Service"), and any white label applications developed for third parties. This document outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, maintenance, and disclosure of information from users ("User" or "you") across all these platforms. Our commitment to protecting your privacy is paramount, whether you're using our branded app or any customized app we've developed for specific events or organizers.

2. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing and using our App, Service, or any white label applications we have developed, you consent to the collection and use of information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with our data practices, please do not use our services or those of the white label applications we provide. Your continued use of these services, following any changes to this policy, will be regarded as your acceptance of those changes. We recognize the importance of privacy both in our direct services and in the tailored solutions we offer to third parties, and we strive to uphold the highest standards of data protection across all platforms.

3. Central Contact Information

Name: Event Vault
Address: Markt 45, 2611GR Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 612160351

4. Information We Collect

We gather various types of information to enhance our service delivery and user experience:

5. How We Collect Information

Information is collected through various methods to ensure our services meet your needs and expectations:

We responsibly combine information from various sources, which helps us better understand general user trends and preferences. This approach allows us to enhance our services and tailor them more effectively, without compromising your privacy.

6. Use of Collected Information

The information we collect is used for various purposes:

Your information is a crucial part of how we innovate and improve our services, always with a focus on enhancing user experience and maintaining your trust.

7. Sharing of Information

We understand the importance of your privacy. Here's how we handle the sharing of your information:

8. Data Security

We prioritize the security of your personal information. Our protective measures include:

Despite these efforts, no digital platform can offer absolute security. We strive to protect your information but cannot guarantee its complete safety against unforeseen breaches. In such events, we are prepared to take appropriate responsive actions, including notifying affected users. We also advise users to maintain good personal security practices, such as using strong passwords and being vigilant against phishing. For any concerns about your data's security, please contact us using the provided contact details.

9. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our Service uses cookies to improve functionality, analyze user behavior, and personalize your experience. You have the ability to manage your cookie preferences, which can be modified in your browser settings. Here's a brief overview of the cookie types we use, along with an interface for adjusting your preferences:

10. Children’s Privacy

Our Services are not intended for individuals under the age of 13. We do not intentionally collect personal information from children under 13. If we become aware that a child under 13 has provided us with personal data, we will promptly remove it from our systems. Parents or guardians who believe that their child has submitted personal information to us are encouraged to contact us. We will take necessary steps to address the issue promptly.

11. User Rights

You have the right to access, update, or request deletion of your personal data held by us. If you wish to exercise these rights, please reach out to us using the contact information provided. We are committed to responding promptly and facilitating your requests in accordance with applicable laws.

12. Log Data and Error Reporting

In the event of errors within our App, we collect Log Data to aid in troubleshooting and enhancing app performance. This includes

This data is crucial for promptly diagnosing and resolving issues, thereby improving user experience. We ensure this information is handled with strict confidentiality and used solely for app optimization purposes. For any concerns about our data handling practices, please contact us using the provided details.

13. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We're always working on improving our services, and sometimes this means updating this policy. We invite you to check in on the latest version available on our App and website whenever you can. Just look for the 'Effective Date' at the top of the policy to see when it was last updated. Your understanding and awareness help us build a better, more secure service for you!

14. External Links

Our Service may include links to external websites. Please be aware that:

We encourage responsible browsing when you follow external links from our Service.

Contact Us

For questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the provided contact information.

Name: Event Vault
Address: Markt 45, 2611GR Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 612160351